First Steps with your Terminal
Image: Koen Speelman -

1. Give your terminal a new name


You can change the name that appears on the bottom part of the terminal display. Go to "Parameters" on the terminal server


2. Change the name also on Odoo

Refresh the   "IoT > Devices" view.
You should see a new Kanban Card with a very long string of characters as a name. Please change this name to something meaningful to you like "Entrance", "Lobby" or "Main Door". You can also change the icon putting a meaningful picture.

3. How to get the RFID Card Code

If you sweep any RFID card the terminal display will show you briefly its code. The code and the clocking timestamp are stored locally on the terminal. You can go to the terminal server and under "Info > Show stored clockings" you are able to read the code. You can copy and paste it on the "RFID Card Code" of the Employee on Odoo.


4. Associate an Employee to an RFID Card Code

Go to the Employee view and paste the RFID Card Code on the field found on "HR Settings".


5. Time Format, Time Zone and Daily Reboot

Time Format: you can choose between "12 hour" and "24 hour". The display will show "2:05pm" and "14:05" respectively.

Time Zone: This Wikipedia Page explains the concept: Examples are: "Europe/Berlin", "Europe/Madrid", "America/New_York" 

Daily Reboot: The terminal will reboot once per day to ensure WiFi connectivity. You can also specify if the terminal searches and installs firmware updates during the rebooting process. It is recommended to update the firmware automatically.


6. Wait between clockings,

Sending clockings to Odoo and

Deleting old clockings

Minimum time to wait between clockings: it is a good practice to define a minimum time of at least 10 seconds to avoid "duplicate" clockings.

You can also define how often the clockings will be "sent" to Odoo. Once the clockings are stored in Odoo the terminal receives a notification and the clockings are deleted from the local terminal memory.

RFID Card Codes that are not assigned to any employee remain stored on the terminal potentially for ever. In order to avoid this waste of "memory", clockings that are older than 2 to 12 weeks will be deleted (you can define how many weeks you prefer to wait until deletion).


7. Partial Reset,

Full Factory Reset and


Partial Reset: set the parameters to their factory values except for the Odoo link and the locally stored clockings.

Full Factory Reset: set all the parameters to their factory values. The Odoo link has to be defined again. And all locally stored clockings are deleted.

Shutdown: please shutdown the device using this command. Wait 5 seconds before disconnecting the power supply.

RFID Attendance Terminal  Setup
Connects directly with Odoo 12, 13, 14 and 15